
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

The music of Kepa Junkera from the Basque Country

 Play & listen - Escolta This edition the guest is Kepa Junkera and his music from Basque Country, between Spain and France. He is a master of the “trikitixa” (diatonic accordion). Although his works are deeply rooted in tradition, Kepa has created music without borders, with countless collaborations with musicians and artists from around the world, mixed with the aromas, rhythms and colors of other places and others cultures, open to the world without complexes but with respect. En aquesta edició el protagonista és en Kepa Junkera, músic i compositor basc de música tradicional. Un mestre de la trikitixa (acordió diatònic). Encara que els seus treballs estiguin profundament arrelats en la tradició, Kepa ha creat una música sense fronteres, amb infinitat de col·laboracions amb musics i artistes d’arreu del món, barrejada amb les aromes, ritmes i colors d'altres llocs i altres cultures, oberta al món sense complexos però amb respecte. Listen Geotocs in YouTube www.geotocs.com  

Yinon Muallem, a key of the Oriental Jazz

 Play & listen - Escolta Yinon Muallem is one of the key figures of the Oriental Jazz. He's borned in Israel  in a family of Iraqi origin. It has been influenced by a wide variety of traditional Turkish, Sufi, Gypsy, Klezmer, Balkan and Indian musics. He creat its own style with a unique combination of  rich variety. It has been formed, directly or indirectly, by several different teachers and instruments, both from Iran and from South India or from other geografics places. Norwegian Oud is his last CD and contains a song dedicated to his father. Yinon Muallem és una de les figures clau de l’anomenat Oriental Jazz. Va néixer a una família d'origen iraquià a Israel. Ha estat influenciat per una àmplia varietat de músiques tradicionals turques, sufí, gitana, klezmer, balcànica i fins i tot índia, creant finalment el seu propi estil amb una combinació única d’aquesta rica varietat. Ha estat format, directa o indirectament, per mestres de diferents instruments i procedències,

Mascarimiri, music from Salento in the south of Italy

 Play & listen - Escolta The result of more than twenty years of "Tradinnovazione". The Mascarimiri, with the musical touch of the pizzica from Salento in southern Italy, but without complexes, uniting music from other parts of Europe and the Maghreb. In the song that we will now listen Clauido "Cavallo" Giagnotti, leader of the Mascarimiri musical group, pays homage to his great love: the sea of Salento, to make it clear that the sea is a state of mind, a common denominator that unites the peoples that they live on its shores!  Mareina is the second single from the CD "Nou?" born in June 2020. Il risultato di più di 20 anni di “Tradinnovazione”. Els Mascarimiri, amb el toc musical de la Pizzica del Salento del sud d’Itàlia  però sense complexes unint musiques d’altres indrets d’Europa i del Magreb. A la cançó que ara escoltarem Clauido "Cavallo" Giagnotti al capdavant de la formació Mascarimiri ret homenatge al seu gran amor: el mar de Salen

Cathie Ryan, traditional Irish music

 Play & listen - Escolta   Cathie Ryan is an Irish/American singer-songwriter. He has released several CDs throughout his career and has toured constantly performing at festivals, folk clubs, performing arts centers and even with symphony orchestras.  She began in 1987 as the lead singer of the Celtic music group Cherish the Ladies. In 1995 he began his solo career. Enjoy the Celtic music with the voice of Cathie Ryan! Cathie Ryan és una cantautora irlandesa/nord-americana. Ha publicat al llarg de la seva carrera diversos CDs i ha fet gires  constantment actuant a festivals, clubs de folk, centres d'arts escèniques i fins i tot amb orquestres simfòniques. Va començar al 1987 com a cantant del grup de música celta  Cherish the Ladies. Al 1995 va iniciar la seva carrera en solitari. Listen Geotocs in YouTube www.geotocs.com   by Rafel dos santos