Cathie Ryan, traditional Irish music

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Cathie Ryan is an Irish/American singer-songwriter. He has released several CDs throughout his career and has toured constantly performing at festivals, folk clubs, performing arts centers and even with symphony orchestras. 
She began in 1987 as the lead singer of the Celtic music group Cherish the Ladies. In 1995 he began his solo career.

Enjoy the Celtic music with the voice of Cathie Ryan!

Cathie Ryan és una cantautora irlandesa/nord-americana. Ha publicat al llarg de la seva carrera diversos CDs i ha fet gires  constantment actuant a festivals, clubs de folk, centres d'arts escèniques i fins i tot amb orquestres simfòniques.

Va començar al 1987 com a cantant del grup de música celta  Cherish the Ladies. Al 1995 va iniciar la seva carrera en solitari.

Listen Geotocs in YouTube by Rafel dos santos

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