
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Kékélé, from the Democratic Republic of Congo but with odor of Cuba.

Play & listen - Escolta Kékélé is a band formed in Paris, but the original members are of were from Congo. "Kékélé" means "liana" in Lingala. Its main genre is Congolese rumba or soukous, with a mix of traditional Congolese and Cuban rhythms. The group was formed in 2001. The whole band has eleven musicians: four singers, three guitarists, a percussionist, a drummer, a saxophonist and an accordionist (the accordion is a typical instrument of Congolese rumba, unlike the Cuban rumba). Kékélé és una banda musical formada a París , encara que els membres originals són o eren del Congo. "Kékélé" significa "liana" en llengua   lingala. El seu gènere principal és la rumba congolesa o soukous, amb una barreja de ritmes congolesos i cubans tradicionals. El grup es va formar el 2001. La banda sencera compta amb onze músics: quatre cantants, tres guitarristes, un percussionista, un baterista, un saxofonista i un acordionista (l'acordió és un ins

The story of the northern Greek artist and composer Sokratis Malamas.

Play & listen - Escolta His family moved to Germany for a few years and he later backed  to Thessaloniki. There, he sang bouzouki songs (traditional Greek instrument) and he learned from his father all about the world of the music. At age thirteen, he bought his first guitar and  he followed his musicals studies at the Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki and  the National Conservatory of Athens. At 23, he began his professional career, worked as a guitar teacher and a singer. In 1989 he recorded  his first album.  Sokratis Malamas write songs for films, theatrical releases too and he acted with famous musicians and  what's more he participated in works of other artist including  Eleftheria Arvanitaki or Haris Alexiou and a lots more. La història del compositor Sokratis Malamas del nord de Grècia. La seva família es va traslladar a Alemanya durant uns anys i després va tornar a Tessalònica. Allà va cantar cançons de bouzouki, instrument tradicional grec, i va aprendre de

Son Palenque, African rhythms from the Pacific coast of Colombia.

Play & listen - Escolta The group was founded by Justo Valdez and several friends from San Basilio de Palenque, a small part of Africa in Colombia, a cimarrón people that has kept a great African heritage to this day. From its beginnings in 1979, Son Palenque began to experiment and innovate by recording numerous albums. The band was one of the first groups to record singing in the Palenque language with obvious African roots, making an unprecedented fusion between folklore and influences from Africa and Brazil. Son Palenque, ritmes africans des de la costa del Pacífic a Colòmbia. El grup va ser fundat per Justo Valdez i diversos amics originaris de Sant Basilio de Palenque, trosset d'Àfrica a Colòmbia, poble cimarró que ha guardat fins avui una gran herència africana. Des dels seus inicis l'any 1979, Son Palenque començà a experimentar i innovar enregistrant nombrosos discos. La banda musical va ser  un dels primers grups a gravar cantant en la llengua palenquera a

Hrdza, union of rock and Slovak folk music with Balkan touches.

Play & listen - Escolta Hrdza is a Slovak folk rock band from Prešov, formed in 1999. They mostly performs in their native Slovakia, but they have played in numerous other countries including Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia. The Slovakian based band says that music should be played with joy and from the heart, or it should not be played at all! Hrdza, Eastern European folk music, with Balkan touches and cleverly crafted tunes. Els Hrdza són un grup de folk rock eslovac de Prešov, format el 1999. La banda actua principalment a la seva Eslovàquia natal, però ha tocat en nombrosos altres països, com Àustria, la República Txeca, Alemanya, Hongria, Polònia i Eslovènia. La formació eslovaca Hrdza diu que la música s’ha de tocar amb alegria i des del cor, o no s’ha de tocar en absolut! Hrdza, música popular de l’Europa de l’Est, amb tocs balcànics. Listen Geotocs in YouTube www.geotocs.com   by Rafel dos santos

Tlacuatzin, traditional huapango of the Huasteca (Mexico).

Play & listen - Escolta The Tlacuatzin are from the historic and traditional region of the Huasteca (Mexico). A  group dedicated to the study, dissemination and interpretation of "son huasteco", also known as "huapango". Traditional music from a young and committed perspective. They promote respect for the great masters, root music and the love for the "huapango" to the new generations. The Tlacuatzin are very active in traditional music encounters, altruistic events with social commitment, academic congresses, lectures and educational concerts and in general they participate intensely in the diffusion of traditional Huasteca music. Els Tlacuatzin, són de la regió històrica i tradicional de la Huasteca (Mèxic). U n grup dedicat a l'estudi, difusió i interpretació del “son huasteco”, també conegut com "huapango". Música tradicional des d'una perspectiva jove i compromesa. Promouen el respecte als grans mestres, les músiques d’arrel i