
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021

Rodrigo Leâo, one of the most acclaim and recognize musicians from Portugal.

Play & listen - Escolta Timeless, unique, it will soon be 30 years alone after being part of one of the best musical groups of all time in Portugal, the Lisbon band Madredeus. We are talking about Rodrigo Leâo who was also part of the band Setima legiâo. He is without a doubt one of the most acclaimed and recognized musicians in Lusitania. With influences as he says ranging from Mozart to Beethoven to the symphonic rock of groups like Pink Floyd or Genesis. Rodrigo Leâo, from minimalist pop to folk, from jazz to fado and other untagged music and adding compositions for the seventh art, the cinema. Atemporal, únic, aviat  farà 30 anys en solitari   després de formar part d’una de les millors formacions musicals de tots els temps a Portugal,   la banda lisboeta Madredeus. Estamos a falar de Rodrigo Leão que também fez parte da Sétima Legião. É sem dúvida um dos músicos mais aclamados e reconhecidos das terras lusitanas. Amb influencies segons comenta ell que van de Mozart a  Be

Carlos Nuñez, bagpiper and flutist of the Celtic music from Galicia.

Play & listen - Escolta The Galician-born bagpiper and flutist Carlos Núñez, considered one of the great Celtic music performers worldwide, is also credited with initiating a new youth of Celtic music, with his acclaimed debut album “A irmandade das estrelas ”(1996). Celtic music was beginning to be known thanks to work with Galicia in the spotlight and Ireland on the radar, and collaborations as brilliant as those of the legendary Irishmen The Chieftains, Ry Cooder, Luz Casal and Dulce Pontes. Two and a half decades later, the Galician bagpiper celebrates the anniversary as it deserves with a tour of at least 25 concerts and a reissue of the original vinyl album, a special 25th anniversary edition, which will include unreleased tracks, newly recorded songs especially for the occasion and collaborations with other artists. . El gaiter i flautista nascut a Galicia, Carlos Núñez, considerat un dels grans intèrprets de música celta a nivell mundial, també se li atribueix el mèrit

Khusugtun, folk music with inspiration from ancient Mongolian tradition.

Play & listen - Escolta Khusugtun is a group of classically trained Mongolian folk musicians. They take their inspiration from ancient Mongolian tradition. Khusugtun's performances combine classical western and traditional Mongolian instruments with ancient throat singing melodies(Khöömii).  Khusugtun is a Mongolian band that has developed a contemporary form of Mongolian overtone singing by adding polyphony. The group released its first album in 2009 and later participated in the double disc An Anthology of Mongolian Khöömii in 2017. Needless to say, the Mongolian band has performed all over the world at different festivals of World Music. Khusugtun és un grup de músics folklòrics mongols de formació clàssica. S'inspiren a l'antiga tradició de Mongòlia i en les actuacions o concerts els Khusugtun combinen instruments clàssics occidentals i tradicionals mongols amb antigues melodies del conegut i curiós  cant de gola (Khöömii). La banda Khusugtun ha desenvolupat u

Anton Pann Ensemble, rediscovering the beauty of old Romanian music.

Play & listen - Escolta The Anton Pann Ensemble (est. 2003), named after the 19th century Wallachian composer Anton Pann is the first and the only professional group from Romania that has chosen as a mission to rediscover the beauty of old Romanian music and to share it with the públic. They aim to enhance the cultural value of the Romanian musical tradition. In this record they present a tribute to Prince Demetrius Cantemir (1673-1723), a unique figure within Ottoman music and in the culture of Eastern Europe. Personality of the Romanian and Universal culture. Personality of the Romanian and universal culture and the author of the most important musical treatise of the capital of the Ottoman Empire of the 17th and 18th centuries. Constantin Răileanu is the Anton Pann Ensemble leader, composer, arranger, researcher of ancient oriental culture and Romanian traditional musical roots and is also a performer of the same. He has a doctorate in musical studies from the National Univers