Anton Pann Ensemble, rediscovering the beauty of old Romanian music.
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In this record they present a tribute to Prince Demetrius Cantemir (1673-1723), a unique figure within Ottoman music and in the culture of Eastern Europe. Personality of the Romanian and Universal culture. Personality of the Romanian and universal culture and the author of the most important musical treatise of the capital of the Ottoman Empire of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Constantin Răileanu is the Anton Pann Ensemble leader,
composer, arranger, researcher of ancient oriental culture and Romanian
traditional musical roots and is also a performer of the same. He has a
doctorate in musical studies from the National University of Music in Bucharest
and other studies at Greek universities.
Anton Pann Ensemble (fundat el 2003), i que porta el nom
del compositor valac del segle XIX, Anton Pann, és el primer i únic grup
professional de Romania que ha triat com a missió redescobrir la bellesa de la música
antiga romanesa per a compartir-la amb el públic. Tenen com a objectiu realçar
el valor cultural de tradició musical romanesa.