Traveling to Armenia with musician Arsen Petrosyan.

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Arsen Petrosyan has recently emerged as one of his generations main proponents of the Armenian duduk, an instrument of double reed woodwind, cylindrical tube and straight, which is typical of the traditional music of Armenia.

He has managed to carve out his own pathway thanks to diverse collaborations and has performed in Europe, Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus with two of his  musical groups. As a solo artist, Petrosyan has also toured extensively in North America as well as the territories noted above.

Arsen Petrosyan ha emergit recentment com un dels principals defensors de la seva generació del duduk armeni, un instrument de vent, de llengüeta doble i tub cilíndric i recte, que és propi de la música tradicional d'Armènia.

Segunit els passos de diferents mestres, Petrosyan ha aconseguit forjar el seu propi camí a través de diverses col·laboracions i ha actuat a Europa, Orient Mitjà, Àsia Central i el Caucas amb dos dels seus grups musicals. Com a solista també ha realitzat nombroses gires per Amèrica de Nord i els territoris esmentats anteriorment.

Listen Geotocs in YouTube by Rafel dos santos

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