Kurdish music from Iran of the band Kurdophone.

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Introducing the Kurdophone music group, founded in Vienna in 2017 by Iranian-born Kurdish singer and musician Omid Darvish.

Their music has been classified as Kurdish-jazz, but they are also remarkably successful in combining Iranian popular music with contemporary classical melodies using ancient Iranian instruments. Some of their musicians are Austrians who help bring Kurdish melodies to sound with Western influences in a single musical unit.

The popular Kurdish melodies of Iran are the protagonists now and here with the Kurdophone.

Us presentem el grup musical Kurdophone, fundat a Viena (Àustria) al 2017 pel cantant i músic iranià d’origen kurd Omid Darvish.

La seva música s'ha classificat com a kurdish-jazz, però també tenen notable èxit en combinar la música popular iraniana amb melodies clàssiques contemporànies utilitzant antics  instruments de l’Iran. Una part dels seus musics són austríacs que ajuden a portar les melodies kurdes a que sonin amb  influències occidentals en una mateixa unitat musical. 
Les melodies populars kurdes de l’Iran protagonistes ara i aquí amb els Kurdophone.

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www.geotocs.com by Rafel dos santos

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